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Artist's Blog

The Garden as a Canvas: Exploring the Process & Symbolism

The Garden as a Canvas: Exploring the Process & Symbolism

  By: Jennifer Prevost 8 minute read1097 words Imagine yourself surrounded by a lush garden. Hundreds of flowers, each with its unique shape and color, bloom around you. The aroma is unparalleled—fresh, pure, awakening your senses with every breath. This place is alive, teeming with life—bumblebees hum as they dance from flower to flower, bunnies scurry through the underbrush, and the very essence of nature pulses in the air. Sunlight filters through the trees, casting a warm, golden glow that fills the space. In this moment, I feel a sense of urgency—to capture the fleeting beauty that surrounds me. My...

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Portraits of Love & Loss: A Tribute to My Family

Portraits of Love & Loss: A Tribute to My Family

By: Jennifer Prevost 12 minute read 1630 words The pandemic was a challenging time for all of us, each facing our own unique struggles. For me, living alone and single, it meant navigating the storm in solitude. While some might consider that a nightmare, I found solace in my artwork. During those difficult times, painting became my refuge, reigniting my passion in a profound way. The chaos and uncertainty of the outside world faded away as I immersed myself in my art. In April 2021, amid the turmoil of COVID, my world came to a sudden standstill. I lost someone...

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